7sleepers: Music

7sleepers is 7 songs about 7 that might put you to sleep. It was released on June 23 2015.

7sleepers is streaming on Soundcloud.

7sleepers is no longer available on Amazon, Bandcamp, iTunes, Spotify, YouTube or most other mainstream music platforms.

Free downloads + compact discs are available upon request.

Lyrics + noises below.


“ Bring my lips close to the lips of Salome / Lay my eyes ‘neath her eyes, my hair upon her neck / Her voice my holy water in the absence of the Divine / To quench the only thirst, now the River Jordan’s dry / For a time I was in peace, I fell into a waking sleep / My clothes were kindling for the priest, the warm wind wrapped around me / The daughter dances, the mother speaks / Herod Antipas must abide / His command is final, I am resurrected from these four chains”
“ Sleepers six, sanctuary blessed / Gently they arise from a century rest / Sleepers seem an unfamiliar face / Spending silver coin in Ephesus marketplace / I’m a seven sleeper, far away from fear / Dream on seven sleeper, another hundred years”
“ Promised Land lay seven valleys distant / Hundred miles, I’m told, as we fly / Nightingale sings to a Rose resistant “Rise beloved, and be on our way” / Nightingale sings to a Rose in moonshine / Thru the night his Song of Solomon / “Darkened skin with henna’d hair and perfume / Rise beloved, and be on our way” / Holy, holy one Vespers, evensong / To the Earth the perfumed Rose is wedded / To the Promised Land she cannot fly / Nightingale sings only to the moonshine / “Rise beloved, and be on our way” / Holy, holy one Vespers, evensong”
“ It’s a fretless bass played backwards.”
“ Seven are they, knowing no care / They grind land like corn / Rage against mankind / Spill blood like rain”
“ There’s a snake in the grass, an apple in the tree / And Adam’s in the hammock, somewhere in between / A rabbit in the mirror, a man in the moon / And Eve is such a curious child, wandering the bloom / The wisdom of the heart is the wisdom of the moment / Let go of what is lost, trust the shiva’s omen / Lost is angel white, left is cloudy gray / In dusk but never night, dawn but never day”
“ For the six years we will sow, gather the yield / And so with the vineyard, and so with the olive field / And on the Sabbath year, fallow she lies / Let wild beasts and children gather their prize / Surrender the harvest, wither the vine / Release and abandon these debts of mine / From sundown to starlight, and all through the day / You shall always remember from where you came / And on the Sabbath year, fallow she lies / Let wild beasts and children feast ‘pon their eyes / Surrender the harvest, wither the vine / Release and abandon these debts of mine”
Fine print
  • All lyrics + music composed by Robin Wylie, except “Utukki”: lyrics from a traditional Assyrian incantation, circa 1000 b.c.
  • Performed and recorded by Robin Wylie at home in Michigan, USA; Mastered by Ronan Chris Murphy at Veneto West in California, USA
  • All contents copyright { a.d. 2015 | a.h. 1436 | a.m. 5775 } Robin Wylie